Happy New Year From Gulpwater.
Our 501(c)3 non-profit foundation "simple" message is to get folks of all ages to(drink) Gulpwater to hydrate.
to drink any type of clean water vs.sugar drinks is the simplest,
easiest cheapest way to instantly improve your life force.
Better for your teeth, your gums, your weight, your heart and your overall blood "labs".
All of these facts are clinically proven. Just gulpwater vs. soda and you'll reduce your caloric intake.
It's sounds simple but we have made a system to get kids to understand and actually consume water vs.other hydration choices.
Just contact us on www.hydrationeducation.org to request free lesson plans or presentations for your school or class or care facility.
Or visit us at www.hydrationeducation.org/donate.html to gift/provide a tax deductible donation to help us to prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, dehydration and dental disease.
Our new facebook site address is www.facebook.com/gulpwater for our school and lesson news
Also we are at the facebook address www.facebook.com/hydrationfoundation for our foundation news
We are also on twitter as @gulpwater www.twitter.com/gulpwater and invite you to follow us.
Thank you all for your support as we become launched - wishing you all a happy and healthy 2012.