Your body needs hydration all year long and at all ages and at all activity levels. Thirst is a great indicator of needing more hydration. Choose to Gulpwater® vs. soda when you reach for someting to drink. Your whole body and especially your liver will thank you. Read a recent article to see how your liver is "perhaps" affected by fructose.
Some health experts sour on fructose
Different sugars may have different effects on the body; advocates seek labeling
September 19, 2012|By Monica Eng, Chicago Tribune reporter
as recent science has divided dietary fats into good, bad and really
bad categories, some scientists now think different sugars also may
deserve individual scrutiny.
Most experts agree that Americans
eat too much sugar, period. But studies in recent years suggest that a
simple sugar called fructose might contribute in unique ways to
pre-diabetic conditions, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Fructose, which makes up about half of table sugar and standard
high-fructose corn syrup, is metabolized solely by the liver. The other
major simple sugar, glucose, can be used by all organs. Researchers are
finding that bombarding the liver with high levels of fructose can
produce excess internal fat and elevate levels of uric acid, effects
that can contribute to insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease.
Some animal studies also link fructose to reduced sensitivity to leptin,
a hormone that signals the body to stop eating.
Gulpwater® every single day. Simple, Critical and Guaranteed.
Gulpwater® Hydrate, Educate, Donate.
Hydration Education Foundation is
organized as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit tax-exempt organization to help
prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, dehydration and dental disease by
replacing drinking fructose and sugar drinks with gulping clean water. We are an IRS
approved Public Charity. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support us helping kids.
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Gulpwater® online: www.hydrationeducation.org
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