Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Karate Hydration Education In Albany NY

 Matsu san knows japanese language

We had the really special honor of presenting Gulpwater® to Shihan Butler's Karate Program for Pre K to 5th graders kindly arranged by the Albany Commissioner of Recreation, John D'Antonio.

It was a wonderful experience, each and every child learned and demonstrated the smart choice of drinking water for hydration...just like plants do.

The class was fabulous, these focused students all were excited and happy to learn how proper hydration is better for you (and your Karate) than soda.

Each student got a special Gulpwater® Graduation Certificate to proudly display at home on their family refrigerator. They are allowed to tell the plant's secret of proper hydration ... to Gulpwater®.

Thank you again to Commissioner D'Antonio, Shihan Butler, his skilled instructors, all the parents and especially to the Karate students for the fun and important learning experience.

Arigato gozaimasu - Thank you very much !!!
Simple, Critical and Guaranteed. 
Gulpwater® Hydrate, Educate, Donate.


Hydration Education Foundation is organized as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit tax-exempt organization to help prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, dehydration and dental disease by replacing drinking fructose and sugar drinks with gulping clean water. We are an IRS approved Public Charity. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support us helping kids.

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