Friday, November 2, 2012

Gulpwater® for Power.

New York City is still without electrical power below 39th street. Hundreds of thousands of folks in the city are without electricity and are still living in an emergency situation. The whole northeast has been affected by the storm. Neighbors are currently helping out in the city, in Westchester and along the Jersey Shore.

This disaster makes the basic daily need for water painfully obvious. Few people are bringing emergency soda or emergency chocolate milk to their disaster affected friends and neighbors. They bring water.

If you know that  - in an emergency  - that the right thing to do is to drink or Gulpwater® to hydrate...why not remember the same life truth when "normal" life, power and comfort is restored. 

Please help your/our neighbors by bringing them water. Thank you for your kindness.


Hydration Education Foundation is organized as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit tax-exempt organization to help prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, dehydration and dental disease by replacing sugar drinks with gulping clean water. We are an IRS approved Public Charity. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support us helping kids.

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