Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Choose To Gulp Water To Hydrate

We are all made of water and need to refresh our supply all day long. Remember to choose to gulp water when you are thirsty and when you are not thirsty. You save calories and save your teeth when you drink water instead if sugar based drinks.

Remind yourself to gulp water whenever possible for yourself and visit us at whenever you have the urge to help others - we are a Public Charity and appreciate your help and involvement in our cause.


Hydration Education Foundation is organized as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit tax-exempt organization to help prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, dehydration and dental disease by replacing sugar drinks with gulping clean water. We are an IRS approved Public Charity. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support us helping kids.

To contribute - please go to 
To see our twitter - please visit @Gulpwater 
To email us