It's not a secret (it's a fact) that plants need water (not soda, not chocolate milk, not tea, etc.) to be properly hydrated.
The Hydration Education Foundation's mission is based upon the "secret" fact to simply GULPWATER to Hydrate.
Below is specific hydration information for your plants before the winter and the specific techniques to properly hydrate your plants, shrubs, and trees.
By: John Zvirovski / The Sun
Today is the beginning of autumn and once again we are entering into yet another very dry season. The year has put us into a drought for now, so to get our plants ready for the winter season and freeze-up, it’s time to hydrate everything.
Like a runner preparing for a marathon by drinking plenty of fluids before the race and during the event, our plants also need to take in moisture now before they enter their dormancy for the cold winter ahead.
If our plants go into the winter without becoming hydrated, we increase their chances of perishing by the time spring arrives. This is not only the case for our perennials, but is true for our young trees, shrubs and all the evergreen species.
The best time to hydrate your trees and shrubs is before they lose their leaves. The plant is more apt to draw up water into its system when it is still in the active stage before dormancy sets in.
Hydration Education Foundation is organized as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit tax-exempt organization to help prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, dehydration and dental disease by replacing sugar drinks with gulping clean water. We are an IRS approved Public Charity. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support us helping kids.
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